Hey All! Happy Friday.
Let me first apologize for the premature launch of the Philip Marlowe 24/7 Stream on Wednesday. I pushed the wrong button and started it 4 hours early. Someone commented that it’s a good thing I don’t work in a nuclear launch facility. 😅
On the plus side, I also uploaded my Philip Marlowe Podcast so - if you prefer listening at your own pace - you can do that as well. More shows will be launching in the coming weeks so stay tuned.
Until next time!
Monday, September 16th
Dragnet | Ep71 | “The Big Grandma”
The cops investigate an elderly woman who’s been passing bad checks for years.
Starts at 9 AM Pacific
Wednesday, September 18th
Dragnet | Ep72 | “The Big Meet”
Friday goes undercover to stop a gang of dope peddlers in Los Angeles.
Starts at 9 AM Pacific
Friday, September 20th
Dragnet | Ep73 | “The Big Church”
A new member of the congregation receives anonymous letters and phone calls threatening her with murder.
Starts at 9 AM Pacific
24/7 Streams
Can’t make a 9 AM stream? No worries! Jump into a 24/7 stream and enjoy live OTR any time of the day. If you pop in, please tell me where you are tuning in from :)
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